Odds & Ends


You use this site at your own risk and assume all responsibility for doing so. The information presented may not be suitable for your individual needs or circumstances. Work with your certified financial planner to determine how to make the best use of the information provided on this site.

Although a great amount of effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the data and analysis, there are no guarantees that it has no flaws. If you believe that you have found a flaw, please feel free to Contact Us.

As always, no one can predict the future in stocks, ETFs, mutual funds, bonds, precious metals or anything else in the financial world. You always run the risk of losing some or all of your money in any financial investments you make, including the Thrift Saving Plan (TSP).

At least quarterly, examine your TSP account and adjust your “Investment Mix” percentages accordingly.

Spreadsheets & PDFs

LibreOffice Calc is used to create and update the spreadsheet and PDF file.

Each spreadsheet is handcrafted and takes around three hours to build. Efforts made thus far to automate the process have failed because of its complexity and limited resources to do so.